Monday, July 18, 2016

Tetu and the Bat

Tetu or Sword of King Democeles is a deciduous tree. It has unusually long flowering stalk which usually pops out of the main tree. Interestingly it is pollinated by bats. The flowers are large and white. They bloom late night and after pollination the corolla falls off. 

Here is a dramatic story on how Tetu secured an unusual pollinator such as Bat?

The Tetu tree woke up lazily only to find that most of his friends are hurriedly running. He inquired with the grass that was lying next to him.

Tetu: Hey what’s happening here? 

Grass: Oh you haven’t heard it? Probably you were sleeping for long. God has just announced a new scheme wherein he mentioned that flowering trees that need stronger and healthier children should identify a potential animal carrier who could transfer the pollen from one flower to other. 

Tetu (seemed perplexed): Oh that’s a new task now, how should I go about? 

Grass :Go and check on if anyone is interested in carrying your pollen. 

Tetu: What do you mean ‘interested’? Isn’t it their job to do so since his almighty has ordered?

Grass: You think so? But there very few animal pollinators operational now, infact I guess most of them would have booked by now. Go rush or else you will be never able to raise your family.

Tetu: What about you? Aren’t you interested?

Grass: Dude, I am a small plant with very small flowers which these animals wouldn’t be interested anyone. I get the air to pollinate me- so no rush. You better run now.

Tetu: But Bro, where should I go? My friends are not to be seen.

Grass: I heard everyone rushing to honey bee, she seems to be the top class pollinator. Try your luck with her.

Tetu walks fast upto the lane where the beehive was hanging. He saw a long queue and by the time his turn comes up, the honey bee flies off her hive. Tetu calls her

Tetu: Hello Honey, what about me? Please pollinate me too.

Honey Bee: Sorry boss, I am overbooked now. I can’t deal with such wide clientele. You look out for someone else, I am leaving.

Tetu : Whom do you think, I should approach?

Honey Bee: Try the butterflies next door.

Tetu now approaches the butterfly garden wherein he saw a fleeting mormon butterfly.

Tetu: Hello friend, I am Tetu. I am looking out for a pollinator. Your neighbhour Honey bee recommended your name. Will you be interested in pollinating me.

Mormon: (still fleeting) Sorry friend you are late. I have got already ten of your friends, excuse me.

Tetu: Oh but could you recommend me to someone

Mormon: Have you checked with the Moths on uphill (Tetu nods negatively). Try her she could of your help.

Tetu painstakingly walks uphill and found a luna moth hanging on a tree. Tetu calls out.

Tetu: Hey you there, will you be interested in pollinating me?

Luna (smiles): I wish I could, but I don’t feed as I am a fasting moth, don’t you know
about us?

Tetu: Oh ya, I know many moths do not feed as adults, but could you help me with the names of the feeding moths and where I could meet them?

Luna: You could try with hawkmoths, tiger moths, owl moths and others, but they all have just left on long vacation and will only return by end of next week. You just missed them.

Tetu cursing his laziness returned when he is encountered by a group of red ants. One of them questions the sad Tetu.

Red Ant: What’s up man, how happened?

Tetu who needed a consoling shoulder, immediately explained his problem. One of the mischievous solider ant wanted to play some prank. He winks at his fellow mates and consoles Tetu

Red Ant: Tetu bhai, why are you losing your heart? We will help you out. We will pollinate you. Tell me when your pollen and nectar will be ready, I will get all my friends
to pollinate you.

Tetu gets cheered up and hugs the red ants and returns back happily. He lies next to the grass. The grass looking as Tetu says

Grass: Seems like you got one for yourself.

Tetu: One! I got an entire team of pollinators . There would be no scarcity of pollinators for my flowers now. 

Grass: Oh really, that’s great. Who are they?

Tetu: Red ants

Grass(startles): Red Ants!!!

Tetu (innocently): What happened?

Grass (Screamingly): Who told you about them?

Tetu: No one, they themselves agreed. What’s wrong?

Grass: They are no pollinators, they are infact nectar thieves. All flowers are scared of them. They fooled you.

Tetu: Really??

Grass: Go run and cancel the deal, or else their colony would take over you.

Tetu: Thanks, I will do that immediately but now who else will pollinate me, everyone seemed to be booked.

Grass: Your last resort- check with the fruit bat across that river.

Tetu hurried to the red ant colony and informs them that he is not interested in their pollination services and quickly crosses the river to meet the fruit bat. The fruit bat was hanging upside down and dozing. Tetu softly calls him out.

Tetu: Hi friend there, I am Tetu and interested in seeking your pollination services. Will you?

Fruit Bat: (opens one eye and looks below at Tetu and then closes the eye and sleeps back)

Tetu waits anxiously for Fruit Bat’s response and then he gets uneasy and again calls out.

Tetu: Hello friend, are you listening me? Please help me.

(no response)

Tetu (pleadingly) : Please I badly need your services, its matter of my future and only you could help.

(no response)

Tetu: Everyone turned me down and now you are the only hope for me, please….

(Fruit bat furiously wakes up and screams)

Fruit Bat: Who the hell has send you here, can’t you see I am sleeping. Get off I am not interested in pollinating you.

Tetu: Please help me, I am ready to offer you anything you need, I need your services.

Fruit Bat: What’s your offer?

Tetu: I could provide good amount of very sweet nectar.

Fruit Bat: What else?
Tetu (perplexed): You let me know

Fruit Bat: I need exclusive rights of pollinating your flowers, no one else should be able to pollinate you other than me.

Tetu: Agreed.

Fruit Bat: Coming to business now, get your flowers to bloom late in the evening, that’s when I prefer to take my evening stroll.

Tetu: Done.

Fruit Bat: Ensure good amount of nectar so make your flowers real big.

Tetu: Okay I would.

Fruit Bat: You know I can’t see properly in the darkness so make your flowers white. Also that once I pollinate them they shouldn’t me on the tree anymore to attract other pollinators.

Tetu: Yes boss, I will ensure that the flowers fall off immediately after you pollinate them. I agree to all your conditions. Shall I assume the deal is through?

Fruit Bat (feels that he could act more pricey since the Tetu is agreeing to all his conditions) : Not really, I have one and last condition.

Tetu: What’s it?

Fruit Bat: I don’t like to break my flight speed when I am on feeding spree, so I don’t think I will be able to stop and look out for your flowers on your tree. So make an arrangement wherein your flowering stalk is popping out of your tree, so that it gets isolated. Then may be I will be able to locate your flowers and then pollinate them. You agree to this.

Tetu (confusingly): That would be bit difficult because it will restrict the places where the flowers are meant to grow. This is going change my own genetic make up.

Fruit Bat: Oh, you could afford a small cosmetic surgery to make your flowers pop out, if you aren’t, then excuse me.

The fruit bat again tries to sleep, but Tetu screams back.

Tetu: Wait, I am willing to do. Please don’t turn me down.

Fruit bat (smiles cunningly): Now that’s a deal then.



  1. enjoyed reading it. Really nice way to communicate but the poor bat has been turned into such a crafty rascal!

    1. ha ha ha...thats right so were the ants. Thanks

  2. Wonderful story. Fantastic way of explaining the relationship between a pollinator and a tree.
